21 February, 2025

Two interesting greek sites

Those who follow my blog may remember the interview with my friend, Marathoner-extraordinaire (he has completed 46 marathons on the classical, sorry, "authentic", course) K. Tsagkarakis. We met recently, as we always do when I am in Athens, and we talked about various things. Among other, Kostas mentioned two greek websites devoted to running. 

Up to now, I have almost never published links to non-english sites. (With the notable exception of the fabulous Décapassion, which is in French, maintained by my friends Frédéric and Pierre Gousset. In case you wonder why, well just visit the site and you'll understand why. Those guys have a real passion for combined events and if the latter are of any interest to you I suggest that you immediately bookmark their site). With the progress of automatic translation I feel that we have now reached a point where Google's translation does not betray the spirit of the original text and one can enjoy the information of a website written originally in a language that he does not speak.

The first site is Running News. It's a very complete site with news, results, race calendar, interviews, technical articles. It has also a forum. Graphically it is, well, overburdened, and the animations make it hard to follow, at least for someone who is visiting the site for the first time. 

The second site is iRun. (Being an Apple fan I like the prefix "i", although I am sure that it does not have the same meaning here). The site is also graphically overloaded but at least there are no animations. Compared to Running News, iRun has a broader scope since there are sections for triathlon, cycling, ultra-running and even swimming. 

All in all I was impressed by the quality of the two sites and the work that is going into them, my critiques on the graphical part notwithstanding. I suggest that you visit them and, unless you speak greek, ask Google to translate it for you. (I found the translation to english quite satisfactory, but the one to french somewhat less so). 

As far as I am concerned, I plan from time to time to return to these two sites, be it only for news concerning the greek T&F athletes.

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