18 June, 2024

I can't believe I have never linked to this site

If you follow my blog you have certainly noticed that I am a great fan of combined events. I am following the sites that deal with my preferred discipline and usually give a link here for you to go and peruse the sites in question. (When it comes to great sites, like Decapassion, I do not hesitate to present short accounts of articles they publish and which I find interesting). 

So I was shocked when I found out that I had never given a link to Decathlon2000

It's a most interesting site combining results, technical articles and historical ones. The only drawback is that there is a members-only section that you can access only through a hefty subscription. And unfortunately, many interesting data are behind the paywall. 

Be that as it may, I suggest that you go over there and have a look at what the site has to offer. There is also a women's section and in particular a women's decathlon page

Two different all-time world lists are available there. They are far from flawless and the readers point out several omissions in the comments, but for all of us women-decathlon fans they are precious. 

In the figure above I gave the shorter of the two lists but a longer (and more recently updated) one does exist on the women's decathlon page.

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